活动预告 | 8月5日与新加坡航空一起探讨旅行科技

  • 08/05 14:30 - 08/05 16:59

  • 创业壹号

  • 剩余名额 49

  • 小招通 发布

1 人报名


The Singapore Airlines’annual AppChallenge, run in conjunction with joint initiative partner NUS Enterprise, is currently in its fifth year running and is one of the largest digital hackathons for aviation innovation.

新加坡航空公司(AppChallenge)是与新加坡国立大学企业机构(NUS Enterprise)合作的创新挑战赛已连续举办5届,也是最大的航空创新数字黑客网站之一。

Over the years, the number of participants has increased exponentially, proposing digitally-driven ideas and solutions from all over the world.


Whether you are a start-up, a student or a serial innovator, this challenge is an opportunity to work with the world’s leading airline and be part of the driving force in changing the way we travel. Walk away with cash, miles and more! Promising solutions will be invited to join Singapore Airlines’Accelerator Programme with up to $150,000 development funding.



2019年8月5日 14:30——15:00

Registration 登记

2019年8月5日 15:00——15:10

Welcome note from Kelvin Tan, NUS Enterprise

新加坡国立大学企业机构Kelvin Tan发言

2019年8月5日 15:10——16:00

Briefing and sharing on SIA KrisLab and AppChallenge 2019, followed by Q&A with Travis Lim, SIA Digital Innovation LabSIA

数字创新实验室发言人Travis Lim 为大家介绍和分享2019年新加坡航空公司数字创新实验 KrisLab和应用程序挑战

2019年8月5日 16:00——17:00

Networking and F&B




Kelvin TAN,NUS Enterprise

Kelvin leads the Corporate Partnerships division in NUS Enterprise and also heads up the Business Development responsibility in NUS Smart Systems Institute (SSI). SSI is a leading NUS institute for advanced data analytics and AI research partnerships with TsingHua University, ZheJiang University, Southampton University and Keio University.


He is identified with co-developing corporate accelerator programs with Spore Airlines Digital Innovation Lab, Bayer, Loreal, Defence Science Technology Agency, Mercedes Startup Autobahn, Huawei and Symphony Creative Systems of NYK Japan. 

He is also the co-chair of the organizing team for Innovfest unbound which is one of the biggest innovation events in South East Asia. Besides, he actively mentors startups with other industry partners and government agencies.
Kelvin还是Innovfest unbound团队的联合主席,这是东南亚最大的创新团队之一。此外,他还积极指导其他行业合作伙伴和政府机构初创企业。

Travis LIM,Singapore Airlines
Travis leads the communications for Singapore Airlines’ Digital innovation Lab – KrisLab. Prior to this, he has been in various marketing and partnership roles in the aviation and automotive industry, with experience in founding a social media agency to help brands better engage their customers in the digital space. 
Travis 是新加坡航空公司数字创新实验 Krislab 的通信主管。在此之前,他曾在航空和汽车行业担任各种营销和合作角色,有创建社交媒体机构的经验,帮助品牌在数字空间更好地吸引客户。


Singapore Airlines(新加坡航空公司)

新加坡航空公司是新加坡的国家航空公司,为星空联盟的成员之一。自成立以,新航一直致力于发展现代化的机队、世界级客舱产品及由备受赞誉的新航空姐所提供的高品质机上服务。以新加坡樟宜机场为枢纽,新加坡航空与旗下胜安航空及酷航及的航线网络覆盖全球 30多个国家和地区的100多 个目的地, 包括北美洲、南美洲、亚洲、欧洲、中东、西南太平洋与非洲,新航也是全球首家运营世界最大民用客机——空客 A380 的航空公司。2018年,新航推出的“数字创新发展蓝图”这一发展规划,积极推动新加坡数字化航空和旅游技术领域的培育和发展。2019年1月,新航正式成立数字创新实验KrisLab,旨在成为全球领先的数字化航空公司。

NUS Enterprise(新加坡国立大学企业机构)






